Eileen Slifer


God’s Plans for Jesse

About a month ago I finished up a commission for a thirteenth birthday gift for a young man named Jesse. The piece was commissioned by his aunt and grandmother (who are twin sisters!) and I had the honor of hearing Jesse’s story and how God has been working in his life. I was asked to paint him from a photo taken (without him knowing) of this young man worshipping God at a youth conference. They liked another piece I have...

Don’t Forget “Trixie Lou!”~~ Too!

About fourteen years ago I painted a mural (in Newark, Delaware) that extended from the laundry room into the powder room-bathroom with a theme of strawberry vines and sunflowers, also including the client’s two poodles, Faline and Marcy. Sadly, these two fur babies have passed on. The owner now has a new puppy named Trixie Lou! I was recently invited back into this home to add her in, and while there, I also made a few tweaks/adjustments to the first two dogs in the mural....

Two Recent Caricature Gigs

Below are videos from two events I drew at since my last sharing here. I try to periodically update all the various places that I share these: Facebook personal and business pages, LinkedIn, my two websites Visual Design Arts and Creative Party Entertainment-Central PA…and eventually, here too! We are moving into the season where I am booking for holiday parties and events. Please contact me if you would like to book me in for a birthday party, family reunion, company...

House Portrait for Les and Betty

I have a color theory book called “Making Color Sing” and this hot pink used in my house portrait is called “Opera Rose” by Winsor and Newton! Intense colors excite me, and working them into a piece of art with the right harmony and all else, design-wise and form wise, can be quite a process. I met up with my cousin Les and his wife, Betty, about a month ago to deliver the framed original and two framed prints for each of their sons....

Musical Whimsical Painting Party – Intro Only

This introduction to this painting party tutorial will give an overview of two versions they might choose to paint: “Colorful Keys” or “Contours of Music.” The full version tutorial is nearly three hours long and can be purchased for $25 by emailing me at: eileenslifer@lettersource.com I will send a payment link and attach reference printouts and the full version Private YouTube link for you to have unlimited access. You are welcome to use within personal group settings such as your...

Three Recent Gigs

Caricature season is ramping up! In the past ten days I’ve done three gigs. The first was “Among the Stars” – a special needs prom held at the Foursquare Gospel Church in Gettysburg, PA. The next day, I drew children and adults at UD’s “Fandemonium” Event at the University of Delaware. And lastly, I was at an outdoor student event on the campus of Thomas Jefferson University. Please contact me if you would like to book me in for a...